Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tortilla Soup (Low Calorie)

Yummy Tortilla Soup (and low calorie too!)

You know that time in the late afternoon that your stomach starts grumbling and you feel like you could eat five plates of food at your local buffet? Dinner isn't ready yet and you don't want to ruin your day of good eating by filling up on high calorie snack. What to do? Well, I have read in several nutrition books that even a small amount of food, nutritious of course, can satisfy your hunger. And a soup packed with vegetables and great flavors seems to work for me. I searched for a twist on the famous Weight Watcher's Zero Points Soup and found the following recipe. It is so good! I serve it in a coffee mug for two reasons. It makes your brain think that you are getting a larger portion. And using a cup rather than a bowl will limit how much you actually eat.
I made this soup and let it set in the fridge for a day. The flavors became much more intense the second day. It's lasted us all week. So, no more snacking on candy, crackers or chips while preparing dinner. I have my yummy cup of homemade soup and feel satisfied and content. And who doesn't like to feel content?  Hope you enjoy it!


1 Cup Onions
2 garlic cloves, chopped
3 green onions, chopped ( I switched it up and used shallots instead)
2 (12 oz) cans diced tomatoes
4 Cups low-fat chicken broth (I used fat free)
1/3 Cup Salsa
1/2 Cup red peppers, chopped
1/2 Cup green peppers, chopped
3-4 celery ribs, chopped
1/3 cup fresh cilantro
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp basil
4 Tbs fat free sour cream
4 Tbs flour


Simmer onions, garlic and green onions in a pan until tender. Put all ingredients in a pot, simmer until all veggies are tender.
Makes 9 Servings (more if you serve it in a coffee mug like I do)
Calories: 51.5

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