Saturday, March 10, 2012

Memories of Grandma

Sometimes remembering my Grandma's smile just makes my whole day better. This photo was taken at the Santa Anita Race Track in the early 80's. We used to go watch the horses morning warm ups. This is something she really enjoyed. On race days, we could hear the announcer from our front yard. What a fun place to grow up. My Grandma was really good at planning fun activities and adventures. There were many times that she'd pack a picnic lunch and my Grandpa would bring along his thermos of coffee and off we'd go in the Suburban. Living in Southern California had many benefits. Within a few hours drive, we could go to the beach, the desert, or the mountains.
Growing up, I didn't eat out that often. I don't remember even eating at Mc Donald's till I was almost a teenager. Grandma was from the generation that just didn't spend money that way. Eating out was considered a real treat. She later told me that she received compliments many times on my behavior in restaurants. She taught me good manners at home and I was generally around adults more than  other children my own age. I don't think that I felt deprived by not getting to stop for lunch at a fast food place. I actually thought it was fun getting to eat a picnic lunch someplace new. I can't even remember how many times we'd be driving and find a place to pull off the road. We'd find a shady spot under a tree and have our lunch. She'd always bring a table cloth with us. She said that some picnic tables were so dirty that you shouldn't eat off of them. They'd drink their coffee from the thermos and I'd have either milk or soda. I thought that soda was such a treat. I loved sharing a Canada Dry Ginger Ale with my Grandpa. Either that or Orange Crush. Root Beer was a favorite too. Our picnic lunches we pretty creative. Anyone that knew my Grandma, knew that she'd find a way to use any leftovers and any ingredient. She very rarely wasted anything. We had an avocado tree, so we'd often have avocado sandwiches with fresh garden tomatoes, onions and romaine lettuce. And maybe a slice of Muenster cheese. That cheese is still one of my favorites! She would mash the avocados, add some garlic powder, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce and salt and peper.  Fritos Corn Chips, Apples, and some mixed nuts would complete the meal. I can almost smell the food as each package was opened. She wrapped our sandwiches in Saran Wrap. This was before the time of Ziploc baggies. And because she didn't want me to waste anything, she'd cut my apple in half and share it with me. Each half had the core taken out and was then wrapped in Saran Wrap. I think she enjoyed using that product. Partly because her mother never saw that invention. Great-grandma Hattie would use waxed paper to wrap sandwiches. Grandma Myrt would tell me stories about her mother and how much she missed her. Now, I'm sharing my stories of my Grandma and how much I miss her. Sure would love an avocado sandwich today.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful memories with us Marna. Your grandma sounds like one awesome woman! I have great memories of traveling with my family and instead of fast food we would stop at rest areas and have picnics. Something that I now do with my family. :-)

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