Friday, March 30, 2012

Caraway Breadsticks with Salad

After my success with Rye bread, I had enough confidence to try making breadsticks. Lucky for me, and for my husband, they were a success. This recipe is from the book Low-Fat Baking by Linda Fraser. I'm really loving this book. Every recipe I've tried has turned out perfect. I also love that my creation looks like the picture in the book. It helps so much to have a photograph to guide me as I cook. Especially with bread. Success is always fun and I think that cooking should be just as enjoyable as eating. I'm finding that the more I try new recipes, the more I want to savor the food and really enjoy the meal. I think it almost creates an attitude of gratitude. I've become much more present when I cook. I want to continue learning new skills and how to prepare certain dishes. It's becoming a real adventure. Generally, I'm alone in the kitchen aside from our Pit Bull, Nalah, who can usually be found lounging on one of the rugs on the floor. I often listen to music while I'm cooking, and the type of music depends on the mood I'm in. Many times, I'm feeling a bit nostalgic, due to using so many of my Grandma's utensils and gadgets so I will listen to Perry Como, Bing Crosby or Doris Day. Other times, I rock it out with ZZ Top, Ozzy, or Guns N Roses. While listening to Stevie Ray Vaughn, I can remember realizing that I was chopping onions to the beat of the music. Yep. That's me. Dances with Knives! Cooking should be fun. If the experience lacks excitement and is mundane, I really believe that it will come out in the food somehow. Finding myself in a cooking-rut is never a good thing. I either take a break for a week or so and research new recipes while we eat out or eat easy meals like tacos or pasta. If I know I'll be sharing our food with a friend or having company, that's enough to get me inspired again. I have an enormous collection of cookbooks. I used to feel a bit guilty about the size of the collection but not anymore. It's my prized possession. I'd honestly rather look through cookbooks than any magazine. I even take them in the car on long trips. You never know when you'll find the perfect recipe. I'm always on the lookout.
Here is the recipe for these yummy breadsticks. Hope you enjoy them!

Caraway Breadsticks

* Ideal to nibble with drinks, these can be made with all sorts of other seeds- try cumin seeds, poppy seeds or celery seeds. ~Linda Fraser

Makes about 20
2/3 cup warm water
1/2 tsp active dry yeast
pinch of sugar
2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp caraway seeds

1. Grease two baking sheets. put the warm water in a jug. Sprinkle the yeast on top. Add the sugar, mix well and let sit for 10 minutes.
2. Sift the flour and salt into a mixing bowl, stir in the caraway seeds and make a well in the center. Add the yeast mixture and gradually incorporate the flour to make a soft dough, adding a little water if necessary.
3. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and knead for 5 minutes, until smooth. Divide the mixture into 20 pieces and roll each piece into a 12 inch stick.
4. Arrange the sticks on the baking sheets, leaving room between them to allow for rising.
5. Bake the breadsticks for about 10-12 minutes, until golden brown. Cool on the baking sheets.
Calories: 45

I did turn the breadsticks halfway through cooking. My oven tends to cook a bit on the hot side so I didn't want to take the chance of any of them getting to browned. They are so tasty right from the oven!

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