Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Grandma Myrtle's "Famous" Pumpkin Pie

Oh yes, Pumpkin Pie. An autumn tradition for so many families. Even today, when I have a pie baking in the oven, the aroma wafting through the house floods my mind with memories of holidays past. I remember my Grandma baking several pies each Thanksgiving and her Pumpkin Pie was always my favorite. Just like so many of the dishes she made, I have no idea where the original recipe came from. She was a notorious newspaper and magazine recipe clipper. I have two file boxes filled with recipes that she had clipped and saved. Many of them tattered, the colors faded with age. Many have handwritten notes in the margins, which makes them that much more special. For all I know, this recipe for her "Famous" Pumpkin Pie could have come off of a can of pureed pumpkin that you can purchase in the grocery store. I don't think that makes her recipe any less special though. It would be just like her to tell everyone it was a special recipe, one that she created. And because it tasted so good, everyone would believe her. She used the same recipe for as long as I can remember, and I'm sure even before I was born. Grandma didn't have a large kitchen. Her house was built in the late 40's and the kitchens were not part of a "great room", like they are today. It was it's own room, separate from the dining room. Even with limited space, she managed to prepare meals for holidays with no problem. From a very young age, I remember being fascinated with watching her prepare food, especially large meals. She was so organized. She would write out a list of the dishes she would be cooking, and another list for items she needed to buy. Before heading to the store, she would check her cupboards for items on the list. Why buy something you already have on hand? I must have paid closer attention than I thought, because I'm finding myself doing the same thing.
I loved experiencing the Fall season while living at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Helping Grandpa Zim rake leaves and put them in the metal trash cans. Hearing Grandma say "Put your sweater on, you'll catch a chill." Fall meals were some of my favorites. She always made more soups and stews in the Fall. I loved when she'd make Chicken and Dumplings. I asked her for the recipe when I had grown up and had my family to cook for. She replied, "Oh, that? I don't have a recipe for that. I just throw a smidgen of this and a tidbit of that in the pot." I can tell you that I was a little frustrated that she couldn't just hand me a recipe to copy. I was a young woman, not experienced enough to successfully throw anything together without ending up with a complete disaster. She had been cooking for 60 plus years by that time and was an expert at knowing what ingredients to add, how long to cook it and what seasonings to add. I, on the other hand, needed much guidance. Especially when it came to her treasured Chicken and Dumplings. My first attempt at dumplings was not good. Not good at all. Looking back, I feel rather ridiculous. I can see what I did wrong. They turned out like big balls of uncooked dough that were warm on the outside and mushy and sticky on the inside. I mustered up the courage to call my Grandma and tell her about my horrible dumplings. After a little giggle, she assured me that she also had many cooking disasters. I can't think of a single one. Maybe she hid them well. She always appeared to have it all together, so competent and in control of her kitchen. I can't even picture her making a mistake. I'm sure I'll think of one...no one is perfect, right? Except Grandma's. Most Grandma's are perfect. Hmm. I'll  share her "Famous" Pumpkin Pie with you while I try to remember any cooking disasters to come out of her kitchen. I may be thinking for a while.

Grandma Myrtle's "Famous" Pumpkin Pie

2 eggs, slightly beaten
1 cup pureed pumpkin, or plain canned pumpkin
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp flour
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups evaporated milk
1 pie crust, homemade or refrigerated pie crust

Preheat oven to 375 degress F

Mix all ingredients with mixer until well blended. Pour into pie shell. Cover edges of pie crust to keep from browning.
Bake for 70 minutes.
Makes one unbelievably delicious pumpkin pie.
Bake for 70 minutes. 

1 comment:

  1. I always make homemade pumpkin pie as well. Everyone always says mine tastes like old fashioned style. I use a similar recipe, but I use both evaporated & condensed milk, and both white & brown sugar. : )
