Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Cookies and Friendship

Ghirardelli White Chocolate Chip and Macadamia Cookies

 Once in a while, I get this funny intuition sort of thing that says "Bake some cookies for your friends." It usually happens when I'm busy cleaning or occupied with another household chore. Sometimes, I am sure it comes from knowing my friends and the things they are going through. Other times, I get that feeling because I like to make people smile. I love to bake. And I love to give. The two go together so well. I can bake an entire batch of cookies and share them with others, rather than keep them all in my kitchen. If I did that, I know for a fact they would get eaten. My husband and I certainly do not need 5 dozen cookies sitting on the counter calling to us as we walk by. We truly lack will power when it comes to sweets. By sharing, I can enjoy one or two cookies and send the rest to those that need some cheer or just a little reminder that someone is thinking of them.

Cookies really are simple to bake. I've never understood the pre-made dough at the grocery store. It just does not taste good. I guess I enjoy the process of baking so much that I don't mind the time it takes. I'd rather pass on having  the convenience of store-bought cookie dough. Plus, when you don't make them from scratch, there is no dough to lick off of the beaters! That has always been my favorite part. According to friends, I have pretty much mastered chocolate chip cookies so I thought I would try a variation of that. Walking down the aisle at the store, this package of Ghirardelli White Chocolate Chips practically jumped off the shelf and into my basket. I just had to buy them. Macadamia nuts seem to go really well with white chocolate so my decision was made. There is nothing better than the aroma of cookies baking in the oven. When you're trying to watch your calorie intake, it can prove to be excruciating torture though. Not something I recommend. Hence, one of the many reasons to give the cookies away. Package them up quickly and declare the containers off limits. Of course, that does not always work. Especially when one lives with a man with a horrible sweet tooth. I did offer him two fresh from the oven and I think that satiated him for the moment.

The next day was cookie delivery day. This is the best part! I am friends with a couple that are a little older than me, okay...maybe 20 years older than me. Don and I used to take a watercolor class together. And Sally is just as adorable as can be. Don's had some health issues recently and Sally's been taking care of her mother. I knew they desperately needed cookies. When life gets rough, eat cookies, right? I knocked on the door, handed Sally a container of freshly baked cookies and for a moment, all was right with the world. She invited me in and had me deliver the container to Don, who was in the den watching football. It was a Sunday, I think all men must watch football on Sundays. I wish I had a photo of the expression on his face. Truly priceless. I love the element of surprise. I had previously mentioned to Sally that I might bake them a batch of cookies some time, but I didn't say when. But Don had no idea. His entire face lit up, he got out of his chair to give me the best bear hug any girl could ask for. Cookies really aren't a fancy, expensive gift. They aren't difficult to make and they don't require an enormous commitment of your time. While I'm sure the cookies tasted good (because I sampled them...quality control, you know) I believe that it's the thoughtful gesture that says so much. I treasure my friendship with them. I enjoy their company and I've learned so much from both of them. I think a batch of cookies was the perfect gift on a cold winter day.

This recipe made 5 dozen cookies. That is a lot of cookies. I was able to make a smaller container for two other couples. I headed over to Holly and Menzie's house. They had no idea I was coming, which made it even more fun. They were also watching the football game. And enjoying a nice afternoon drink. Holly loves cookies but doesn't bake often. So, I came to the rescue. We chatted for a few minutes, they invited me to stay for a drink. If it hadn't been a work day for us, I would have loved to stay and visit a while. Holly and Menzie are also a bit older than me. And I absolutely love talking to them. I could spend an entire day with the two of them, asking questions, sharing stories, and listening. I would do a lot of listening. I have such fascinating friends. I checked back a few days later and the cookies did not last long. Not with Holly around. Knowing that my cookies made them both smile really was the highlight of my day.

I had one last container of cookies to deliver to my dear friend Tami. I've known her for about five years. We met at a Highland Games. She is incredibly talented and creative. She had a booth there with all handmade items. She's currently working on getting her PhD. It may seem rude to some, but I never call before stopping by at her house. I don't think she minds. In fact, it's more fun for both of us when there is that added element of surprise. As soon as she came to the door and saw a container of cookies in my hand, she asked me how I knew she needed them? There goes my intuition again. I can't explain it, I just felt it. I've delivered many goodies to her before, and each time, it just seems right. We hugged and I handed her the cookies. I didn't stay long. Again, I wish I could have but work was waiting. She knows how much I care for her and think of her. Even without the cookies, she knows.

One of the many things that my Grandma taught me was how important it is to have friends. And not just a few friends that you have everything in common with. She encouraged me to have many friends, to search out diversity, to listen to their stories. I learned to volunteer and be of service from realizing that everyone benefits from it. The giver, the receiver and those that are witness to the experience. You can never go wrong when you share.

Ghirardelli Macadamia White Chocolate Chip Cookies

1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened ( I always use real butter when baking. Margarine just doesn't cut it.)
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
1 cup brown sugar, packed
2 eggs, room temperature
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
3 cups unsifted flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 cups (one 11 oz bag) Ghirardelli Classic White Chips
1 1/2 cups Macadamia nuts, chopped

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cream butter and sugars until fluffy. Add vanilla and eggs, one at a time, and beat well. Blend in flour, baking soda and salt. Stir in white chips and nuts. Drop by rounded teaspoons onto ungreased cookie sheets. (I always use Parchment Paper) Bake for 10-12 minutes.

Makes 5 dozen cookies

Winter sunset at Rock Creek

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