Thursday, September 27, 2012

For the Love of Con

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.”
                                                             ~Anatole France

Something amazing happens to us as humans when we open our hearts to an animal. It could be a cat, or a dog. A bird, fish or reptile. For many it is a horse or other farm animal. The type of pet that you love and care for is not as important as the process of falling in utter and complete love with your pet. Animals that capture our souls are unique and unbelievably special. This week, one of my best friends had to say good bye to her special boy. He crossed over the Rainbow Bridge after a battle with congestive heart failure. Con was the most majestic Irish Wolfhound. He was born on St. Patrick's Day. Kate first met Con when he was five months old. His owners brought a group of their Irish Wolfhounds to our local Highland Games as a sort of exhibit. The group of puppies were being walked across the grassy field when Kate's grandson, Tristan, at only 18 months old, stopped and watched the procession. It must have been a sight for a toddler to witness...even at 5 months old, Irish Wolfhounds are large dogs. Con stopped when his eyes gazed upon Tristan. They connected in that moment. Almost as if they knew they needed one another. Something magical happened as the two stared at one another. A bonding between a little boy and a dog. Kate, being unbelievably perceptive, sensed this and decided almost instantly that she wanted Con. He had a gentleness about him that made his size seem less intimidating. He really was gigantic.Being so large did not keep him from loving and nuzzling Kate's little grandson. They were buddies, Con and Tristan. I'm sure if Con had lived longer, he and Tristan would have had many adventures.Con loved to sit on the couch, rump up on the seat and front legs on the floor. It was probably a pretty comfortable place to sit for a 140 lb dog. Whenever Kate would stand still, Con would lean up against her. I'm sure there were times that she had to brace herself to keep from falling over. We all knew how special this dog was. His calm and loving demeanor were unmistakable. Kisses from Con were something I always looked forward to. Big, slurpy, wet doggie kisses.
Con was only three. Much too young. It feels like we didn't get enough time with him. But sometimes, rather than question why, or exclaim that life isn't fair, it's easier to appreciate the time you had and know that you gave your treasured pet the best possible life. We all knew that Con was sick. We could see him slowly declining over the summer. Kate's son in law dug a grave over a month ago. You can prepare. You can know, in your mind that the end is near but when it finally happens, you find that no amount of preparation can soften the blow to your soul. Kate loved this dog. She bonded with him before she brought him home. Anyone that met Con was immediately captivated by his presence. If it's possible for a dog to have charm, then Con was given a double dose. Have you ever seen a dog smile? Isn't that the most incredible thing? Con seemed to always be smiling.
When I found out that Con had passed, I knew that Kate was saddened beyond belief. It seems that one of the ways that I comfort my loved ones is through food. Food is comforting. And in my mind, food equals love. Especially when you prepare it with good intentions and sweet thoughts. I set out to make a double recipe of a batch of Oatmeal Raisin Cinnamon Cookies. I've taken cookies to her office before so it wouldn't necessarily be unusual for cookies to magically show up again. Having to work the day after your beloved dog passes away has to be difficult. And cookies and a big comforting hug would at least make it more bearable for her. I've always believed that the little things, the gestures of love, kindness and encouragement were more important than an entire book of lofty intentions.

Oatmeal Raisin Cinnamon Cookies (also known as Hugs in Cookie Form)

2/3 cup granulated sugar
2/3 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup real butter
1/2 cup shortening
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 large eggs
3 cups old fashioned oats
1 cup all purpose flour
1 cup raisins

1. Heat oven to 375 degrees
2. Beat all ingredients except oats,flour and raisins in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed. Stir in oats, flour and raisins.
3. Drop dough by rounded tablespoonfuls about 2 inches apart onto ungreased cookie sheet. ( I always use parchment paper)
4. Bake 9-11 minutes or until light brown. ( 10 minutes seemed to be the perfect amount of time, at least for my oven)
5. Immediately remove from cookie sheet to wire rack.

I made a double recipe. While there are 10 people working in Kate's office, one batch should have been enough. But, as with everything I do, I go all out. I generally seem to cook and bake as if I'm feeding a group of 20. I guess I'd rather have more than enough than to have someone go hungry. I'm wondering if there are any cookies left. I noticed that Kate ate three of them, just while we were visiting. Ooops. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone.
While baking cookies seems to be a simple thing to do to help someone through their grief, I think the gesture behind it is what really counts. Close friends just seem to understand that. I didn't know how else to comfort her and reassure her that I care. Cooking is just what I do. It's part of who I am. I cook when I'm happy. I cook when I'm sad. I cook for other people, to show them how much they mean to me. I cook to celebrate, to entertain and to love. And on a side note, since I did make a double batch, I knew I'd have enough to take a small bag to another friend that I simply adore. She is my official taste-tester. I simply love taking her little portions of cookies or cake. And sometimes, I end up dropping by with a plate of happiness, just when she needs a little pick me up.I don't believe that there are any coincidences in life. You meet the people that are meant to be in your life, for one reason or another. And Kate is like a sister to me. My official taste tester, Tami, is such a sweetheart. I truly love my friends, through all of their ups and downs. True friends just have a knack of knowing when you need a hug. It just so happens that sometimes those hugs come in the form of Oatmeal Cookies.
Peace and Love,
Rest in Peace Sweet were loved and treasured.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Living in the Moment

 Rock Creek Recipes is back! I have been away far too long. I've missed the process of writing and sharing.. What a busy summer it's been around here. We've crammed as many small trips and adventures into the weekends as humanly possible. Sometimes it felt like we were in a whirlwind. Was it worth it? You bet. Life goes by too fast. I have no intention of sitting in a chair and watching it go by. While I enjoy quiet, relaxed days, I also love being busy and active. Life needs balance. And looking back on the past several months, I'm sure we could have taken things at a slower pace but in doing that, we would not have been able to experience as much as we did. Living here, we know that we have a limited amount of time for summer related outdoor activities, we realize that fall and winter are a slower, more relaxed time of year while spring and summer are filled with activity! And I do mean filled!
 I started out the spring with taking numerous walks in the area that we live. I took a lot of photos because I wanted to give you all an idea of the beauty that surrounds us.These grand trees are less than half a mile from home. When I walk down the road, I'm always captivated by their presence. I can't quite explain it. We drive by them everyday, almost without noticing. But when I walk past, I always slow down and gaze at them. I take in their beauty, their calming presence. It is almost as if they are beckoning to me, to stop, to take notice, to appreciate, to breathe.

 Spring is a gorgeous season here. Everything new, fresh, coming to life after a snowy winter. I eagerly anticipate the ground thawing, the leaves returning to the lilacs, the tiny buds of flowers forming then blooming practically overnight. As I watch the transformation of our yard, from a frozen, white landscape to a lush, green oasis, I do my best to live in the moment. To truly appreciate the changing of the seasons, the fragility of life, and the air that I breathe. It seems that this place brings about awareness and appreciation. I was raised to be an outdoor type of girl. We camped and hiked, fished, picnicked, and often ate our summer dinners on the patio. I guess it's only natural that I would continue to have that desire, to be out in nature.

When life gets a bit hectic, you can find my by the water. This is just a simple irrigation canal that runs through the corner of our front yard, from Rock Creek but hearing the water move across the rounded stones is so soothing and peaceful. I know that my grandparents would have loved it here. I can imagine my Grandma, barefoot, pants rolled up, wading into the cool water. It seemed that anywhere we traveled, if there was a body of water, she had her feet in it. I have at least a dozen photos of her standing at the edge of a creek or lake, toes dipped in and smiling. In my imagination, Grandpa is sitting by our little "creek", in the shade with his straw hat on, his hand gently petting our dog, Nalah, He had such a love and appreciation for all  animals. I can't remember a time when we didn't have at least one pet when I was growing up. He was always so sweet and kind to them. Yes, I think that they would have felt right at home here. After all, this place has the look and feel of so many of the places we camped over the years. And life goes on, they may not be here any longer, but they will forever remain in my heart and in my thoughts. They know how much I miss them. I try to not let sadness consume me, I try to live with joy, the way they would want me to. So I encourage you to get out in nature, feel the earth, feel the magic it has to offer. Live in the moment, take it all in. Life goes by too fast.